Our first broken bone...20 years of raising children and my last and final baby is the first to break a bone *sigh*
So on Monday. Jacob called me at work at 3:30 (after soccer) and told me that he thought he hurt his arm. I asked him what happened and he told me that at lunchtime he had fallen backwards off the slide and caught himself on his hands. His right hand buckled a bit but he got up, dusted himself off and went on into school. Teachers looked at him, he could move everything and nothing was swollen so he went on about his day - schoolwork, gym and then soccer.
So when I got home he was playing with his wrestlers but nursing his right arm a bit. After much discussion with Mom and Dad I called JAmes and told him that we needed to go down to the Janeway with Jacob "just to make sure everything is fine" I mean, he was playing normally, moving normally, just whimpering every now and again...
So off we trek to the hospital. As we are there Jacob tells us what happened and he said "I was falling and I thought - I can totally land this!! and then I fell and I thought, what the hell?? I had that landing nailed!"
LOL!! That's my son for you....
Anyway, X-Rays were taken and sure enough, much to our surprise, he has something called a "bulge fracture" which is just a small fracture below his right wrist -which meant a cast for three weeks....
SO all is fine, he had a big old white cast on - the emergency room doctor did it - and he was fine for about...ohhh 12 hours. Yesterday morning he walked downstairs and realized that the cast got in his way and prevented him from playing PlayStation and with his wrestlers. WELL All hell broke loose. He screamed and ranted and raved and cried and banged his cast on anything hard and tried to wet it and finally tried to get a hammer to hammer it off.
I called the hospital almost in tears and asked for help LOL!! Down we go again and the proper cast people put a super cool, super light, super functional cast on his arm...thanks be to Almighty God...
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