Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April Showers


Rain. It's nice enough I suppose...but relatively dreary. Rain makes me sad, not bawling my eyes out turning into a sobbing mess sad...more melancholy I think. Everything is so dark and shadowy, everyone walks with their heads down or with faces covered by umbrellas. Although, one good thing about rain and is getting rid of the dreaded snow. WOO! In another few weeks I just might be able to see my flower beds...

On a completely unrelated topic, James and I are going to dinner on Saturday night! How exciting is that??? A sales rep gave him a gift certificate to the Keg and Mom has graciously agreed to babysit the young'uns and so WE are going to dinner! I am so excited...we so rarely get out anymore...between an extreme lack of money and an even extremer lack of people willing to stay with the kids (ok, I'll be blunt, willing to stay with Jacob) we never EVER get to go anywhere by ourselves. So this is a royal treat let me tell you :) The GC is even enough so that we might be able to splurge on a whole bottle of wine! weeee!!!


Christy said...

Oh, you deserve a date! I hope that you have a marvelous time.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Yay for a night out! How was it?